Professor Dr. Leonida Kovač

Leonida Kovač, PhD is an art historian, theorist and curator who works as the associate professor at the University of Zagreb – Academy of Fine Arts, where she lectures Art History, Contemporary Art and Contemporary Theories. She also lectures Intermedial Art Practices at the Doctoral Studies in Literature, Performing Arts, Film and Culture at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. From 1993 to 2008 she worked as curator and chief curator in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. She has published the following books: Konteksti (Contexts), 1997; Kodovi identiteta (Codes of Identity), 2001; Edita Schubert, 2001; Relacionirane stvarnosti (Relationalized Realities), 2007; Gorki Žuvela: Izmislite sebe (Gorki Žuvela: Invent Yourself), 2009; Anonimalia:Normativni diskursi i samoreprezentacija umjetnica 20. stoljeća (Anonimalia: Normative Discourses and Self-representation of 20th Century Women Artists), 2010; In the Mirror of the Cultural Screen: Jagoda Kaloper, 2013; Tübingenska kutija: Eseji o vizualnoj kulturi i biopolitici (The Tübingen Box: Essays on Visual Culture and Biopolitics), 2013.