Shades of Grey


Monochrome photography by Tim van Beveren

A fine art print collection in black and white, 150 pages, 25 x 20 cm, English and German language editions.

Tim van Beveren has been working as a photographer, cameraman, writer and journalist for more than 30 years. He is currently the director of photography and international coordinator of the necropolis project.

He worked as a correspondent and reporter for well-known international media companies, also in war and crisis areas. Many of his works have won several awards. His passion is black and white photography.

Exclusively available as »print on demand« via blurb Inc., San Francisco.

Sales price:     € 107,00 for the hardcover edition

and:                     €  72,00 for a digital pdf edition

plus shipping and taxes.


Order here:

ENGLISH language edition – ISBN 9780368860003

GERMAN language edition – ISBN 9780368742064